Integrative Psychology Associates currently provides assessment to assess mental health status.
Screening which involves quick measures, often in the form of questionnaires, to determine if you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Positive results indicate that further testing is warranted.
Diagnosis which involves standardised psychological tests to formally diagnose mental problems. These may include the use of interviews and questionnaires.
Symptom and outcome monitoring which is used to track progress, assess changes in symptom severity and guide intervention
IPA is currently offering:
Psycho-educational assessments: often conducted when a child is experiencing challenges with their learning or if they are not progressing at a rate that is expected for their age. They are also used when there are general concerns about the child’s development or if the child presents with exceptional needs that may require individualised
adjustments at school.
ADHD assessments: which provide information about problem behaviour that is severe enough to negatively impact
day to day functioning.
Click the buttons below to read more about assessments and how they may benefit your child.